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Thursday, January 29, 2015

6 Ways to Exclude Fats from your Food

Fats are the main reason for many diseases which can be gotten because it causes the most cardiovascular disorders that threaten our health, so we should learn how we can reduce the ratio of fats that we eat in order to we can protect ourselves from the bad side effects of it; that’s why I will focus in the following lines on some solutions that can be useful for us regarding this matter.

1 - Refrain from fatty meals of restaurants

The best way that we can follow to avoid the fatty foods is excluding the fast food restaurants from our list of choices; because these types of food contain, unfortunately, large amount of fats as cream, butter or margarine, but if you insist on eating outdoors, so try to search for broiled, steamed or baked foods as they are healthier and more useful.

2 - Exclude dressing from your salad

Dressing has many fatty substances, so it includes more calories. Therefore, try to reduce the amount of dressing or choose the less fatty one as vinaigrette, however, if you like creamy dressing, you can ask for a dressing that is made with yogurt. Any way, if you eat salad in a restaurant, ask for dressing as external and side dish, but if you prepare your dressing at home, use water instead of oil to decrease the ratio of fats and calories.

3 - Avoid hydrogenated fats

Hydrogenated fats are the worst type of fats, so try to avoid synthetic fats which exist in margarine and whipped butter and use healthy alternatives as olive oil because it is very healthy for the heart; in addition, it gives delicious taste to the food.

4 - Drink black coffee

Try black coffee instead of creamy one, but if you can’t do that, you may add low- fat milk with light cream. By this way, you can reduce some of fats and enjoy your favorite taste simultaneously.

5 - Yogurt is better for dips

Unfortunately, most of people think that mayonnaise is the best dips to have a side dish, but the fact is completely different; because there are other suggestions which are healthier and more delicious as sour cream and fat- free yogurt. The both dips have the same taste of mayonnaise but with fewer fats.

6 - Avoid fatty processed foods

Consuming chips, cookies and snacks become a common food on our table although these types are very harmful and have much fats that may be very dangerous for our health, thus, we should avoid such useless things and try fruits and vegetables as they will provide you with fibers and wonderful package of vitamins.
So, I think that following these ways will be very effective to reduce fats in your food and enjoy the same taste you like as well as healthy life.

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